How Robo-Advisors Are Redefining Online Trading Mechanisms

An automated service called a “robo advisor” can assist you in managing your finances and even purchase some financial items. From registration to execution, virtually little human involvement is required with robo-advisory. While the majority of robo-advisors claim to use AI and machine learning, the reality is that they use rule-based logic. There have recently been a few fundraising rounds in the robo-advising market in India. 

What is a robo-advisor in trading?

Robo-advisors, commonly referred to as automated online trading services, build and manage your trading portfolio using computer algorithms and software. While many service providers have human advisors on hand for queries, some services, such as automatic rebalancing and tax optimization, can be performed with little to no human interaction. 

Robo-advisors often have lower or no minimum balance requirements than traditional portfolio or trading account management firms, which frequently demand substantial balances. Because of this and the fact that they are inexpensive, robo-advisors enable you to start investing right away—in many circumstances, in just a few minutes.

Features of a robo advisor

  • Based on the choices of the investors, robo-advisors build the best possible portfolios. Robo-advisors often distribute funds between risky and risk-free assets, with the weights chosen in accordance with the objectives and risk tolerance of the investors. Robo-advisors vary the weights of risky and risk-free assets in the portfolio in response to shifting economic conditions. 
  • The fees are significantly lower with robo advisers than with regular advisors because there is no human involvement. Additionally, they frequently rebalance that portfolio, either automatically or at predetermined intervals. Most advisors use computer algorithms to achieve this, ensuring that your portfolio never deviates from its initial allocation.
  • Selling stocks via an online stock market at a loss in order to avoid paying capital gains tax is known as tax-loss harvesting, and it is often done towards the conclusion of the tax year. Investors can save money on taxes by selling a security at a loss. In order to keep the portfolio allocated and benefit from a market upturn, it is crucial to invest in a comparable security at the same time. Robo-advisors automate the procedure so that users can easily take advantage of tax-loss harvesting.

Benefits of robo advisor in terms of investment

  • Having access to a professional robo advice management service before you buy stocks is a blessing, if you are an investor with very low net worth. Low minimum balance robo advisers are strengthened by technology.
  • It is only a matter of time before even a portfolio with excellent asset allocation occasionally becomes out of balance. The allocation is distorted by changes in asset categories that are either greater or lower. The portfolio has to be rebalanced as a result.
  • Every investor is aware that taxes can significantly affect the rate of return on an investment, even if you trade using trading apps. This is especially true for short-term capital gains because they are subject to regular income tax rates. Robo advisers are designed to minimize capital gains taxation because they are completely automated.


The degree of intricacy in your financial condition will determine whether you choose a human advisor or a robo-advisor. A robo-advisor might be a suitable fit for people with simpler objectives. A human advisor, however, might be the ideal choice for those with complex financial demands and a preference for a more personalized touch. In other words, while robo-advisors excel at running straight, human advisors might be superior at negotiating corners.


